Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 5.8

Component org.nuxeo.theme.nuxeo.default


XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<component name="org.nuxeo.theme.nuxeo.default">


  <!-- perspectives -->
  <extension target="" point="perspectives">

    <perspective name="multiple_domains">
      <title>Perspective for multiple domains</title>


  <!-- themes -->
  <extension target="" point="themes">



  <!-- views -->
  <extension target="" point="views">

    <view name="Nuxeo DM logo (Galaxy Theme)" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

    <view name="nuxeo5 includes" template-engine="jsf-facelets">
      <!-- include JS used for D&D and tableSelection -->
      <!-- include JS for contextual menu -->

    <view name="Nuxeo header" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

    <view name="nuxeo5 breadcrumbs" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

    <view name="nuxeo5 tree explorer" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

    <view name="nuxeo5 directory tree explorer" template-engine="jsf-facelets">
      <!-- Fragment (not enabled in the default theme)
        that displays trees of [x]vocabularies to perform queries
        based on a hierarchical meta data. See the DirectoryTreeService
        extension point for more info on how to use this fragment.

    <view name="nuxeo5 clip board" template-engine="jsf-facelets">

    <view name="Nuxeo footer" template-engine="jsf-facelets">


  <!-- resources -->
  <extension target="" point="resources">

    <resource name="static-styles.css">

    <resource name="screen.css">

    <resource name="foldable-box.js">

    <resource name="window.js">
    <resource name="window_effects.js">
    <resource name="waitdlg.js">
    <resource name="utils.js">
    <resource name="tableSelections.js">
    <resource name="contextmenu.js">
    <resource name="DragAndDrop.js">
    <resource name="">
    <resource name="hideableAdminMessage.js">
    <!-- jquery cookie plugin -->
    <resource name="">
    <!-- Fancybox -->
    <resource name="jquery.fancybox.js">
      <!-- useful for debug -->
    <resource name="">
    <resource name="fancybox-popup-utils.js">
    <!-- Hotkeys (e.g. used to focus the search box using '/') -->
    <resource name="jquery.hotkeys.js">
    <!-- Helpers for focus on first input of a form -->
    <resource name="">
    <!-- Workaround for jQuery and Sarissa library conflict on IE -->
    <resource name="sarissa-ie-workaround.js">
    <!-- Mustache -->
    <resource name="mustache.js">
    <!-- Simple Access Key helper -->
    <resource name="accessKey.js">
    <!-- Moment.js -->
    <resource name="moment.js">
    <!-- jquery-ui resources: order plugins according to their dependencies. -->
    <resource name="jquery.ui.core.js">
    <resource name="jquery.ui.widget.js">
    <resource name="jquery.ui.mouse.js">
    <resource name="jquery.ui.sortable.js">
    <!-- Double click shield -->
    <resource name="jquery.nuxeo.doubleclickshield.js">
    <!-- jQuery Ambiance -->
    <resource name="jquery.ambiance.js">
    <resource name="jquery.ambiance.css">

  <!-- Register mapping between theme pages and resources -->
  <extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="pages">

    <themePage name="galaxy/print">

    <themePage name="galaxy/popup">

    <themePage name="galaxy/default">


  <!-- Register flavors (collections of presets) -->
  <extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="flavors">

    <flavor name="default">
        <presets category="border" src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="background"
          src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="font" src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="color" src="themes/palettes/" />

    <flavor name="rainbow">
      <presetsList append="true">
        <presets category="border" src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="background"
          src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="font" src="themes/palettes/" />
        <presets category="color" src="themes/palettes/" />


  <!-- Register style resources (contain indirect references to flavor names, i.e.
    "__FLAVOR__") -->
  <extension target="org.nuxeo.theme.styling.service" point="styles">
    <!-- Global styles -->
    <style name="breadcrumb">
    <style name="buttons_and_actions">
    <style name="basics">
    <style name="body">
    <style name="drag_and_drop">
    <style name="foldable_boxes">
    <style name="forms">
    <style name="grids_and_widgets">
    <style name="messages_and_tooltips">
    <style name="navigation">
    <style name="popups">
    <style name="richfaces_components">
    <style name="tables">
    <style name="tabs_content">
    <style name="helpers">
    <!-- Header and Footer -->
    <style name="header">
    <style name="footer">
    <!-- Specific to pages -->
    <style name="nuxeo_dm_specific">
    <style name="print_generic">

  <!-- application settings -->
  <extension target="" point="applications">

    <application root="${org.nuxeo.ecm.contextPath}"

        <!-- TODO default collection/flavor... -->

      <!-- Cache control for theme resources (/nxthemes-lib/) -->

      <!-- Cache control for theme styles (/nxthemes-css/) -->

      <view id="/create_relation_search_document_popup.xhtml">
      <view id="/dndFormCollector.xhtml">
      <view id="/editor_link_search_document.xhtml">
      <view id="/editor_image_upload.xhtml">


  <!-- negotiation strategy for nuxeo5 -->
  <extension target="" point="negotiations">

    <negotiation object="theme" strategy="nuxeo5">
      <!-- local theme (specific to nuxeo5) -->

    <negotiation object="perspective" strategy="nuxeo5">
      <!-- local perspective (specific to nuxeo5) -->

    <negotiation object="collection" strategy="nuxeo5">
      <!-- local flavor/collection (specific to nuxeo5) -->
      <!-- default flavor/collection (specific to nuxeo5) -->

